Ron Needs a Sense-of-Humour Transplant

We promised that we would reveal the name and address of the persons who photographed his house, using a very high-quality camera, and posted the pictures on the internet – IF he asked nicely on his blog. Of course, Ron is incapable of doing anything nicely; but we shall tell him anyway …. It was

Google UK Ltd
123 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SH

Buck House Road, eh, and Brenda-his-boss never thought to tell him.

2 Responses to “Ron Needs a Sense-of-Humour Transplant”

  1. metric345 Says:

    If there is a criminal prosecution then all of this evidence will be used against you.

    • crackpotwatch Says:

      And what precisely would that crime be? Calling a crank a crank is a public service. Good luck with proving that you are not a crank, given your enthusiasm for perpetual-motion scams, antigravity nonsense and quack ‘cancer-cures’. All of that evidence will be used against you.

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