Goliath is Not Always the Villain

“The pseudoaward was made for just the theory, which still has not been verified, and as we all know, is riddled with errors from beginning to end. “

It is funny that thousands of real scientists at CERN believe that they have experimental proof, while one unknown crackpot in Wales has only a rubbish contrary theory which is based upon errors in tensor manipulation. Experiment always trumps theory. By the way, Google Scholar returns 50000+ hits for “Higgs boson” and only a few hundred for “ECE theory”. Moreover, thousands of different names account for the Higgs-hits whereas it is hard to find an ECE hit which is not due to Ron or his gang.  Finally, we are surprised that Ron has not mentioned AIAS-member Kellum’s latest (3rd October) patent application. Like the previous ones, it* promises perpetual-motion and antigravity.  Association with either of those loony quests immediately damns their followers in the eyes of real scientists. 

*Note: it is based upon a homopolar motor/generator. This has long been the ‘workhorse’ of the experimental branch of the lunatic fringe because its operation cannot be explained by schoolboy physics. This makes it perfect for ‘baffling suckers with science’. 

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